Business Continuity

IS YOUR IT STRATEGY prepared for EVERYDAY threats?

Is your current IT strategy prepared for the threats that your organization faces every day? From human error to menacing attacks, you can’t predict when the next threat will strike.

Your ability to get back online after a loss is vital to saving your organization. Moreover, protecting your data has never been more important in the face of strict compliance regulations like the GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Protect Your Data and Reputation

From extended power outages to DDoS attacks, the number of threats facing your organization could wipe your data in one fell swoop before you realize what happened. Plan ahead before this happens.

Continuity Consulting

Consult with us to create the best course of action to maintain operations in the event of a security breach.

Custom Onsite Backup

Rest-Assured knowing your software and data is protected by on-site backups.

Offsite Cloud Backup

Cloud-based backups that are stored off-site, making data even more secure and safe from physical harm.

Image File Backup

Image files are just as important as data to some industries. Keep them safe with file backups.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster can strike at any time. Whether the cause is human or nature, Right Hand Tech will help you get back on your feet.

24/7 Monitoring

You don’t have time to monitor your systems all day, every day. We do. Your systems will remain under our watchful eye.

Regular Reboot Testing

Testing reboots is an important way to ensure continuity in the event of a manual, or accidental reboot of the system.

Cloud Virtualization

Manage your resources online in a cloud-based platform that doesn’t require you to manage servers.

24/7 Support

How Does Right Hand Prevent Data Loss?

Our Business Continuity Strategy is a customizable, scalable service that starts with a full assessment of your business IT practices, IT assets, and data. With all the workflow unique to your organization in mind, we create a tailor-made backup and disaster recovery plan that not only covers your assets but acknowledges your liabilities.

Your customized plan encompasses every aspect of your IT workflow, so it will always be there when you need it.

In addition to emergency services, we provide regular onsite backup for all your IT assets, offsite cloud backup via our data centers, and special protection for all your image files. We also understand the importance of privacy legislation and your customers’ expectations, so we use high-quality encryption to protect every piece of data.

Our data practices make us a top choice for businesses that work with protected personal information, like healthcare organizations, financial services businesses, and law firms.

Along with cloud access, we provide cloud virtualization services. Virtualization means you can access your storage from your main office servers, a satellite office, or even a remote or home office using the credentials that only you have.

Because we believe that IT maintenance must be proactive rather than reactive, we also offer 24/7 backup monitoring. We double-check storage protocols to prevent any data loss or contamination and make sure that your data and workflow recovery is never more than a few clicks away.

All the services we offer, from backup to disaster recovery, benefit from regular testing. We don’t just put together a Business Continuity Plan. We test it and test it again to maximize performance in the event of a real emergency.


Rather than reacting to a data breach or IT system failure, businesses today need to be proactive to ensure you never put any of your client or organization information at risk


Be Prepared


Quickly Recover


Stay Secure


Peace of Mind

We Can Help!

If you’re not sure how we can help you, schedule a free consult with us to discuss your needs, options, cost, and more. Our free scheduled call is risk-free and requires no commitment, we can’t wait to hear from you! If you’re not quite ready to talk, but want to keep reading, check out our other services pages or blog if you haven’t quite found what you’re looking for.