Ransomware Threats in the Air: How to Prevent and Protect

Ransomware in the Air – Strategies to Prevent and Protect Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the latest flavor

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Essential Microsoft Word formatting tips

Microsoft Word is used by over one billion users worldwide, and of those how many are using it to its full potential? Over the years Word has transfor

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Are you sufficiently cooling your servers?

Servers are the heart of most modern SMBs. They host intranetwork data, customer data, and facilitate product delivery. Like any piece of equipment in

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Are you using this effective marketing tool?

From free information products such as ebooks to brochures and email campaigns, today’s marketers have a wealth of tools and tactics at their dispos

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Understand these 4 types of hackers

Know thy enemy. When it comes to hackers, most business owners get hung up on the technical and mechanical details of a cyber attack forgetting anothe

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How to pick the best mouse

Have you been stuck using the same mouse for several years now? If you’re feeling a bit of pain in your mouse clicking hand, then it’s probably ti

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Tips to get to 500+ LinkedIn connections

500+ LinkedIn connections can open doors. It can lead to more business, new clients, and provide social proof to yourself or organization. However, ge

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Improved email security for Office 365

While you can take many security precautions to protect your organization, a cyber attack is always possible because of human error. Microsoft, howeve

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Web design trends for your small business

A good looking page will determine how many people trust a website. This is especially true for small business owners trying to establish their compan

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Boost staff productivity with mobile tech

Love it or hate it, mobile technology in the workplace is here to stay. While more and more companies are utilizing it as a way to up their productivi

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