Are your site’s images hiding an attack?

ImageMagick, one of the internet’s most widely used image processing services, is susceptible to attacks that may put your site at a huge risk of ex[...]

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Ransomware Threats in the Air: How to Prevent and Protect

Ransomware in the Air – Strategies to Prevent and Protect Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the latest flavor[...]

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Essential Microsoft Word formatting tips

Microsoft Word is used by over one billion users worldwide, and of those how many are using it to its full potential? Over the years Word has transfor[...]

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Understand these 4 types of hackers

Know thy enemy. When it comes to hackers, most business owners get hung up on the technical and mechanical details of a cyber attack forgetting anothe[...]

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Improved email security for Office 365

While you can take many security precautions to protect your organization, a cyber attack is always possible because of human error. Microsoft, howeve[...]

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4 BYOD security risks you should address

Bring your own device (BYOD) strategy is when an employee uses their personal mobile device to work with your company from anywhere. This strategy can[...]

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7 Warning signs of malware infection

Your computer has been acting up a lot lately. It keeps crashing, it’s slow and, to top it off, you keep getting pop-ups you don’t want to see. If[...]

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Tips to monitor employee activities online

Whether or not to monitor your employees' computers can be a tricky decision. While part of you may think it’s unethical, you also may question if y[...]

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4 things you should know about the cloud

From hosting websites, email, applications and online file storage, the cloud has become a popular alternative to traditional IT services among busine[...]

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